Have you ever walked away from a conversation with an unbeliever feeling completely defeated for the cause of Christ? Well, I came home from work one day last week feeling like a loser. It all started when he asked me about the republican convention and Sarah Palin's words regarding war in Iraq being God's will. So that started up a huge conversation about God, the Bible, Women's rights and everything.
While, he always teases me about having a Bible degree ("how hard can it be to learn one book?") he found another occassion to make fun. He twisted everything I said to make it sound rediculous as if I'm a little brain-washed Bible girl. He said all our answers are so vague. And basically what he believes is that it's good to do good because we all have an effect and an impact on others. I couldn't get anywhere in this conversation. When trying to defend the inspiration of the Scripture he twisted it to say that the men that wrote scripture spurned women's rights etc. Anything I said to defend sounded so weak and "vague" although his arguments were actually the weak ones. Somehow the conversation ended as I had to take a patient's copay. I felt I had totally lost the case for God. He made everything I believed in a mockery! If only you could see his mocking grin as he attacked Christianity.
So I felt defeated. All my life I've been learning Scripture and how to defend the faith. What was wrong with me? Was I useless or what? But, I've come to the point where I'm grateful God put this conversation in my life to show me the necessity to be ready to make the most of all opportunities. Next conversation I'm definitely going to be praying for God's help in giving me answers and Scripture to use. And when I am bothered by his teasing, though light, I am reminded that he won't always be smiling.
"Every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." God, have mercy on him. So, Although, I left the conversation feeling defeated, God taught me much that I could gain from this experience as well as a greater appreciation for my Messiah whom they did not recognize.