According to Baby Center our little baby is about the size of a lemon right now. We are so excited to announce this news. The ultrasound pictures you see above were taken at 6 weeks. They did an early ultrasound for us since we had a miscarriage back in January, when we lost our precious Hope. It was very reassuring and my heart melted when I saw the fast little heartbeat on the ultrasound screen. So today, we are 12 weeks along and doing well. I believe I'm starting to break free from the nausea and fatigue I was feeling for a while. It's nice to be able to brush my teeth without having the urge to throw up. Now my main issue is with my joints. Right now I really need an adjustment or something. I can't hardly bend over without having pain in my joints, and I mean pain. But I am so happy to have any of this pain and inconvenience to welcome our baby into the world. We are so blessed by God and grateful for his blessings. Every good and perfect gift is from above... James 1:17 Above is a picture of a sweater I started to make for the baby.
Lots of decisions are playing in my mind: What colors to do the nursery? Cloth diapers or disposable? Finding out the gender or not? vaccines?? and many more decisions to come that I don't even know about I'm sure. So we definitely appreciate your prayers as this little "lemon" grows and as we become parents with a great responsibility.
Praise the LORD, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits.