Well, I don't normally just write out my thoughts on this blog. It's much easier to post pictures when they're available. But there is something on my mind lately...a desire within me that longs for fulfillment. And i know that fulfillment is ultimately found in Christ, but I am talking more specifically along the lines of my specific purpose here on earth. I don't know where to begin in explaining my feelings. I am no writer. But, I guess it began when the Lord changed my heart and gave me a desire for him at the age of 12. I began to examine everything in my life, and I became tender to the Holy Spirit's working. I have so many memories of Missions Conferences at Northland, Missions week at church, or missions trips to Mexico, St. Vincent, and China. Every time the Lord stirred something within me. To see people without the Lord and children going hungry and homeless...I wanted to do something about it. And then there were the girls in youth group who came from ungodly homes, who struggled with security and feeling loved...I wanted to do something about it. And then now, as I've watched my sister lose her precious children who were finally getting love...I wish I could do something about it. It's like I have this craving to love the ones who have never felt love. I want to help them. I HAVE to give what I have been given so abundantly. I guess, to sum it up, since I may sound very vague...I believe that God has given me the gift of compassion. And so, I look to the examples in my life...my mom who always practiced hospitality even to the people that were always overlooked or with special needs, my sister who has fostered 6 children, my sister-in-law Tristan who recently adopted a beautiful Haitian orphan, and many others who DO something about their compassion. And also, I look forward to my next phase of life, praying that God will give me opportunities and strength to fulfill this longing within me to the glory of His Name.
Proverbs 31: 20
"She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy."
Your Mom was so good to me when I taught your brother who was in 4th grade at the time. And I remember her always taking time to talk to me the few times I've been back to the college to visit. Your Dad is good about saying hi too. That means a lot to me and says a lot for your parents.
what a beautiful post. i think you are a good writer... and yes, full of compassion!
i love you!
That's beautiful April, and I have to agree, you definitely have some good examples in the area of compassion!
I was just "blog surfing" and I read your post. I wanted to say thanks for being open and thanks for sharing. It really challenged me to think about being compassionate towards others. I just moved and so I don't know anyone yet, but I'm going to see what I can do for those who need Jesus love. Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts and your gift.
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