Lucy turned 6 months on October 30th. At her 6 month checkup she weighed 15 pounds, 25 inches long. She averages in the 10-25 percentile, although her head is in the 5th percentile. It is such a joy to us to watch her develop. After her visit to the pediatrician, it was like she said "ok Mom and Dad, I'm older now!" because it was like she suddenly acted older and started rolling over all the time and showing her personality. She started jabbering more and she definitely knows who her Mommy and Daddy are now. My favorite thing is when I get home from work and see her she yells out in glee...she's just so happy to see me! I love it! On monday her she began cutting teeth. I could feel them and see them coming in on the bottom. She even bled a little bit. poor thing! But now they are all the way through. They are going to be so cute! Also a few days ago she started getting up on her hands and knees. It wont be long before she's crawling and getting into everything. She had peas for the first time this week and is just starting to get the hang of eating from a spoon. Yesterday, Scott fed her sweet potatoes and she likes those too! She's a petite chubby little thing! So that's what's new in Lucy's world.
As to my overall life, I feel quite scatterbrained and really am feeling the need to organize my life to be more disciplined. Honestly, I watch too much tv. It's no wonder I don't have time to get organized. I'm not making the time to think through my desires and goals in life. So i asked my good friend Jessalyn Hutto for some advice. She has an inspiring blog at
So I wondered if she had ever done a post on keeping a schedule as a mom so as to accomplish your goals. She gave me some very helpful resources to look at for guidance. This first one offers helpful downloads for a home management book.
The second one talks about a home management book and how to use it.
It is overwhelming right now to look at, but I'm going to try my best to focus on one thing at a time.
"If you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time."
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